HomeLifestyleHome remedies to dissolve kidney stones naturally

Home remedies to dissolve kidney stones naturally

Home remedies to dissolve kidney stones naturally
Home remedies to dissolve kidney stones naturally

Kidney stone disease (KSD) is common in India. About 12 percent of the population is more prone to stone formation. In half of these cases, kidney damage also occurs. Due to kidney stone, one has to bear very severe pain. Negligence in treating it can increase problems, such as infection, blockage in the ureter, bleeding etc.

The people should take immediate steps to reduce the risk of kidney stones in the first place.  Ayurvedic home remedies are very helpful for people who want to avoid kidney stones, as they do not have any side effects and can be tried at home.


 Stay hydrated: Taking less amount of liquid makes urine concentrated and it gradually starts forming crystals, which we call kidney stones. The most common and best way to prevent kidney stone formation is by drinking enough water. This ensures that there is no shortage of water in the body and urine remains diluted.

 Eat Citrus Food: Include fruits like amla, orange, sweet lime and lemon in your diet. Citrus fruits are rich in citric acid, which prevents the formation of kidney stones and helps break down the stones that have formed. 

 Kulthi Dal: Horse gram, also known as kulthi dal, is a well-known Ayurvedic medicine. With its help, the formation of kidney stones can be prevented and these stones can also be removed. It has the property of increasing the amount of urine and melting the stone, so horse gram works to remove the stones. It can be eaten with roti or rice. 

 Use Plant Protein: Consuming excessive amounts of animal protein increases the risk of kidney stone formation. To meet the protein requirement, instead of animal protein in the diet, choose plant-based options, such as peas, legumes and pulses. Keep in mind that the right amount is the most important thing.  

 Reduce Salt Intake: Processed foods are high in salt, which increases the rate at which calcium is deposited in the kidneys. This happens because sodium and calcium reach the kidneys in the same way, which results in the formation of kidney stones. This situation can be avoided by staying away from high-sodium fast-foods such as french fries and burgers. Instead, fresh food with low sodium content should be taken to reduce the amount of calcium in the urine. Along with promoting kidney health, low sodium is also good for the heart.


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