HomeLifestyleWhat is Kissing Disease? Symptoms and What is the reason for this?

What is Kissing Disease? Symptoms and What is the reason for this?

What is Kissing Disease? Symptoms and What is the reason for this?
What is Kissing Disease? Symptoms and What is the reason for this?

Eating from someone’s false utensils, kissing can also be dangerous. Till now Corona was spreading only because of this. Now another disease has started to scare. 

The term kissing disease is the term used for infectious mononucleosis (commonly called mono). It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which spreads through saliva. Since mostly this disease spreads only by kissing, hence it is known as kissing disease. Apart from this, sharing a glass or eating utensils with a mono-infected person can also lead to the virus. However, mononucleosis is not a fast-spreading disease like the common cold. 


Doctors say that kissing disease is generally not considered a serious disease. However, sometimes its symptoms become very severe. Apart from this, as a result of infection, many problems also occur. If proper attention is not given in the treatment, then the infected person is not able to do daily activities for several weeks. 

 Symptoms: Like other diseases, its symptoms are also seen. Common symptoms may include tiredness, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, swollen tonsils, headache, skin rash. 

Do not kiss anyone if you are infected

If you have kissing disease, Do not kiss anyone. This disease can be spread from one person to another through saliva. Apart from this, do not share your food, utensils, glasses with anyone else. At least for several days until your fever is well gone. Regular hand washing should be done for prevention. 


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