HomeLifestyleDisadvantages of washing hair with warm water in winter

Disadvantages of washing hair with warm water in winter

Disadvantages of washing hair with warm water in winter
Disadvantages of washing hair with warm water in winter

Everyone likes to take a hot water bath in winter. Hot water is also used while taking a bath. But if you shower like that, you are your hair’s enemy. There are 4 main disadvantages of taking a head bath in hot water during winters.

If you shampoo your hair and bathe with hot water, your hair becomes weak and brittle. This causes hair loss problems. At the same time hot water opens your hair follicles i.e. hair roots. Due to this the hair starts falling out from its roots.


The second disadvantage is that bathing the head with hot water can dry out the scalp. As a result, you may suffer from itching and dandruff. Because, when the scalp becomes very dry, dandruff starts on it. Dandruff does not allow the oil or its nutrients to reach the scalp.

Hot water temperature is high. It is harmful to the skin. You may not feel the cold, but it can cause skin irritation, swelling, redness, etc.

Bathing the head with hot water will dry the hair quickly. Hair and scalp begin to dry.

Bathing with cold water is not an easy task at this time. In fact, hair experts do not recommend taking a head bath even with cold water. It is said to use warm or normal water instead. Bathing with normal water is good for health.


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