HomeLifestyleDo not drink these drinks in a copper bottle,  Very dangerous

Do not drink these drinks in a copper bottle,  Very dangerous

Do not drink these drinks in a copper bottle,  Very dangerous
Do not drink these drinks in a copper bottle,  Very dangerous

Drinking water in a copper vessel is very good and it has many health benefits. But some drinks can become toxic. Avoid drinking them.  Let’s see how many drinks should be kept away in a copper vessel.

Drinking water in a copper bottle early in the morning has many benefits. It is said to help detoxify the stomach, kidneys and liver. Many people pour water in a copper vessel at night and drink in morning. 


Buttermilk has many benefits. But it is not good to take buttermilk in a copper vessel. Properties in curd react with metal. It affects you deeply. Some people also eat rice in a copper plate. At that time it is better not to eat curd in it. Otherwise there will be the possibility of the digestive problems. Keeping other dairy products in copper vessel is harmful. Copper interacts with minerals and vitamins in milk. This can lead to food poisoning. Apart from that, you may experience nausea and anxiety due to the reaction.

Mangoes, pickles, sauces, jams, should never be eaten. Should not be stored in copper vessel at all. These foods react with copper. Over time these can cause you to feel weak , nauseous or anxious. These can also lead to copper poisoning.

If you drink lemon juice mixed with honey in the morning on an empty stomach, there are many health benefits. But drinking from a copper glass should be completely avoided. The acid in the lemon reacts with the copper. It can also cause stomach pain, gas problems, and vomiting.


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