HomeLifestyleHarmful effects of reheating Cooking Oil 

Harmful effects of reheating Cooking Oil 

Harmful effects of reheating Cooking Oil
Harmful effects of reheating Cooking Oil

Again and again we heat oil and fry the ingredients in it, there are chances of getting many diseases. We often hear such words. Are you using the same cooking oil by reheating it again and again as it gets wasted? But it causes a lot of mishaps. Know more about it.

Repeated heating of oil for cooking increases its carcinogenic properties.  Some of these produce toxic compounds that promote cell proliferation. Also, the risk of formation of free radicals also increases. Due to these swellings occur in the body organs and cause many health problems. Risks of obesity and diabetes increase. The immune system is boosted and infections are more common.


By repeatedly heating cooking oil and turning the same oil into ghee and eating it, the bad cholesterol (LDL) in our body increases unexpectedly. Due to this increased LDL, there are risks of chest pain, heart disease and stroke. 

Eating food cooked in such oils increases gas related problems. Eating deep-fried and junk food that is available outside does not cause gas problems and hunger. The food eaten is not properly digested. Stomach feels bloated. It can damage the health of the entire digestive system. It will take many days to repair it later. So everything should be careful from the beginning. Also you have to make a firm decision for yourself not to eat anything made in oils under any circumstances.


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