HomeLifestyleNight Sweats and Cancer: Is it a sign?

Night Sweats and Cancer: Is it a sign?

Night Sweats and Cancer: Is it a sign?
Night Sweats and Cancer: Is it a sign?

Some people get sweats when they go to bed at night.  Night sweats can occur for many reasons. It is more common in hot conditions. A person who experiences emotions like stress and anger can also experience it. Eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages can also cause night sweats. Night sweats are a common symptom of many medical conditions. The most dreaded of these is cancer.

Excessive sweating at night, also known as Night Sweats. It is a common symptom of various medical conditions including cancer. It is very dangerous if you sweat so much that your clothes and bedsheets are soaked. Night Sweats Causes Cancer is still unclear. However, night sweats are believed to occur when the body is trying to fight cancer. A change in hormone levels is associated with night sweats. Hyperthermia seen in cancer is also one of the causes of night sweats. Cancer treatments like chemotherapy can cause fever. This leads to excessive sweating.


Lymphoma is a cancer that affects the lymphatic system.  Night sweats are a common symptom of both Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It also affects your immune system.

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. Night sweats are a common symptom of acute leukemia. If this symptom is present, it is likely that leukemia will develop soon.

Melanoma is skin cancer. It can develop anywhere in your body. Night sweats are a less common symptom of melanoma. But it can happen if the cancer spreads to other parts of your body.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. Night sweats are the last symptom of these cancers.


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