HomeLifestyleProtein Powder Alternatives: Instead of protein powders, just eat these homemade foods

Protein Powder Alternatives: Instead of protein powders, just eat these homemade foods

Protein Powder Alternatives: Instead of protein powders, just eat these homemade foods
Protein Powder Alternatives: Instead of protein powders, just eat these homemade foods

There are some great homemade alternatives to protein powders. If they eat it, there is no need to buy protein powders and eat them. 

For six packs, those who exercise for strong muscles try to consume more protein. As a part of that, chicken is eaten for strength. In addition, they get expensive protein powders and drink protein shakes. But fitness experts say that protein powders are not necessary by using some food items available at home. They say that the cost is not that much. Let’s find out what those ingredients are.


Pacers: Unshelled pesaras and pesara pulses contain the highest amount of plant-based protein. Amino acids like henylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine and arginine are also found in these. All these help in making the muscles stronger.

Groundnuts: Peanuts contain more protein than any other seed. A total of 20 types of amino acids are found in different percentages. Arginine protein is found in large amount in it. Eating a bunch of lizards daily will fulfill our protein requirements. You can also use peanut butter if you want.

Paneer: So if you want to eat more protein foods then paneer can be an option. Cottage cheese or paneer contains high amounts of animal proteins. Also it is available at a low price. Milk and curd can also be used for this. Also, tofu made from soy is also rich in protein.

Legumes: During festivals, they make a lot of Shengal as Prasad to the Gods. But they can also be cooked in various ways for protein and added to food. An average of 18 percent protein is found in these. It is found in more than pulses.

Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are not only high in fiber but also high in protein. If you soak two tablespoons of these seeds and eat them, you get up to four grams of protein. They are also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. 


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