HomeLifestyleTeeth Health: Bye bye yellow teeth, the ways to get pearly white...

Teeth Health: Bye bye yellow teeth, the ways to get pearly white teeth

Teeth Health: Bye bye yellow teeth, the ways to get pearly white teeth
Teeth Health: Bye bye yellow teeth, the ways to get pearly white teeth

The  facial beauty is one of the most important things for us. Not only the beauty of the skin, but the beauty of the teeth is also crucial in terms of facial beauty. Teeth play an important role in maintaining facial beauty. 

However, unsightly misaligned teeth and yellow colored teeth can spoil the beauty of the face. Also, these teeth can cause many people to lose confidence. Therefore, dental care is very essential and should be done with great care. 


To protect your oral health, practice good oral hygiene daily.

1.       Brush teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time.

2.       Floss daily.

3.       Use the mouthwash to remove food particles left after brushing

4.       Eat the healthy diet & limit sugary food and drinks.

Those who suffer from yellow teeth can try these tips  

1. You can use fruit peel to whiten your teeth. Just rub the peel of the fruit on your teeth for a minute or two and your teeth will shine like flowers.

2. Rubbing a mixture of olive oil and almond oil on the teeth is very good. It helps in reducing the yellow color of the teeth.

3. Carrots are good for changing the yellow color of teeth. That is, chewing green carrots every now and then helps to reduce the yellow color of the teeth. Carrots also help to eliminate bacteria from the teeth.

4. A well ripened strawberry brightens the teeth. Make a paste of strawberries and apply it on your teeth and wash it off after five minutes. Or it is better to chew well.  

5. Brushing teeth with lemon juice also helps to make teeth shine.


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