HomeLifestyleWhat's the best thing to do before drinking alcohol?

What’s the best thing to do before drinking alcohol?

What's the best thing to do before drinking alcohol?
What’s the best thing to do before drinking alcohol?

It is important to eat before drinking alcohol. Many eat foods high in salt while consuming alcohol. This makes them thirsty and drink more alcohol.

It is important to drink plenty of water before and in between drinking alcohol to reduce dehydration.  Drink plenty of water and don’t mix alcohol with sugary or energy drinks. Eat good fruits and vegetables before drinking. Radish, tomato and cucumber can be eaten.  These are good for health. Eat any food at least 15 minutes before consuming alcohol. A starter should be taken to pack the stomach before consuming alcohol. Bananas can be eaten. It is rich in water content and nutrients along with fiber.


When we drink alcohol, it gets mixed in our blood and has a severe effect on our organs. Keeping this in mind it is better to stay away from alcohol. But many cannot break the habit. Eat healthy food before drinking alcohol. This has many advantages. The water content of food in the stomach dilutes the alcohol. Fat, protein, and fiber in food already in the stomach slow down alcohol absorption. A healthy diet provides the body with minerals and vitamins. This causes the alcohol to deteriorate. So the habit of drinking gradually decreases.


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